
“This system is magic. I have fenced way too many acres the hard way … using a weighted post driver that requires a lot of force and energy. By the end of the day my back, shoulders and neck were killing me. Then I found this system and love it. It has been a total game changer. I just wish I knew about it years ago. Thank you!”

— Brad D, Montana

“I’ve used this system to plant many posts on my property. I won’t work without it. It’s easy and quick. I no longer have to lift a heavy machine over my head. Life-saver!”

— David M, California

“We live in Arizona on hard, caliche soil. We were pleasantly surprised with the results. Even my husband with multiple back issues was able to use it without hurting his back. It is helpful to have a second person to hold the t-post so it goes into the ground straight. Our generator we used was slightly smaller than the recommended size (we already owned it) and it did work but would sometimes bog down but we didn't want to buy another, bigger generator just for this project.
Great product and worth the price!”

— Marla W, Arizona

“This thing is the cream on top of your sundae. My wife and son installed a good 30 post within 20min without breaking a sweat. It is a time saver.”

— Enrico H, Massachusetts